Monday, October 26, 2015

"The Six Attitudes of High Achievers"

Image result for make no small plansImage result for make no small plans 

"The Six Attitudes of High Achievers"
1. Make no small plansg1. Make no small plans
Image result for do what they fearThis attitude should be known worldwide.This attitude is trying to tell us to not settle for anything that is small.Think BIG.For example, if your dream has always been to be a professional basketball player but you know you aren't capable of it . You work as  hard as you can to become that.Don't just settle for being a teacher or a factory worker.This quote by Daniel Burnham is telling us to grow up and be a big person in life.He is saying that the people with small or no plans don't get there voices heard.By that i mean that they don't become anything in life just like ordinary person.These people don't get themselves excited for a new day in there job or profession.
2. Do what they fear
Reflection: "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
3. Are willing to prepare
Image result for Are willing to prepareThis is a very attitude that should already be built in you.Although some of us may not have it it is a very important attitude to have because you must prepared for any bumps along the road.This also means that you must be ready to put in the hard work and dedication in order to become something.This quote given to us by Donovan Bailey is a perfect example of you being prepared to work hard for whatever you want to be in life.He is a perfect example of having to be prepared.Bailey was a sprinter and he held the record for the 100 meters race.Of course he did not win this medal/record by luck.He won this by being prepared for the race.It took him lots of hard word and most importantly dedication.
Image result for Are willing to risk failure4. Are willing to risk failure
Taking risks can be both good and bad . Some risks may give you high rewards or sometimes no rewards.Although it may hurt if you take risks it helps you learn from them. This quote that is given to us by Muhammad Ali is incredibly perfect example.Ali was a professional boxer who is arguably one of the greatest to ever step on a ring.Muhammad is telling us that life you will have many obstacles and sometimes something may not tell you it was right but it will help you learn if you take a risk.If this risk pays off then you will know that it was a problem but you over came that problem and it makes you feel better.
5. Are Teachable
Image result for are teachableReflection: Being teachable is very important, due to the fact that being teachable is basically meaning that you are willing to learn. If someone wants to be successful in life one should accept to be taught many different things, to gain more and more knowledge. Once you are allowing people to teach you many things you didn’t know before you’ll gain much more knowledge little by little, to the fact that you won’t even notice how much you’re learning and discovering. To be successful in life one should always be willing to learn because if you’re such a closed person, you’ll never be open to yourself and the world. For example, in school I always try to show that I am an open person, so people can actually see how much I care not only for myself but about my grades in school and my future. In class I never talk back to the teacher, because I’m allowing them to teach me new stuff and I won’t be rude about that, because that’s beneficial for me. Also I never talk while my teacher is talking because that shows that I don’t care what she is teaching me and I’m not allowing them to teach me. In school I like to be quite but not because I’m a closed person, but because I’m actually interested in what I’m learning. In conclusion, always try to be an open person, and allow people to come into your life and teach you new stuff. Believe it or not it will give you a huge advantage in the future.
6. Have Heart
Image result for have heartHaving a heart is very an important aspect one should have at all times. One should respect one another and treat others equally. We all should have a heart because one day we will defiantly need someone to show what kind of heart we have.  By being kind and respectful others can rapidly see what type of heart you have. If it’s either a good or bad heart. If you have a good heart many doors will open for you especially on days that you need it. But when you have a bad heart no one will open their doors to you and simply ignore you. For example, when I see people in need living in the streets I truly feel bad for them. By that one can see that I have a kind heart simply because I feel the other person’s pain. Believe it or not there are many cruel hearts out in the world. For example some people get annoyed when they see people in need on the streets. One thing they say is “They can get up and work”. Although in some cases I agree because many end up in the streets because of drugs. But one should never judge a book by its covers, because we don’t know their life background and what they been through. 
Image result for have heartReflection:

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