Friday, December 18, 2015

Class/ Self Evaluation

2. Some things that i liked about this computer science class was when we learned the different steps of how to do HTML. i thought that was a very important thing/lecture for us to learn because we never know if were going to need it in life or just if we want to do a website one day. Something I also liked about this class was when we learned about the six ways for people to like you. But i believe  that the most important thing we learned was the six attitudes of high achievers. I learned so much out of that lesson.I pretty much liked everything about this class.

3. I believe that I did not do my best in this computer science class because I sometimes was not i class and also because if i wanted to do my best I would have came to tutoring when I needed help, but I always thought i was not going to need help but as of now I am going to try my best to do better in this class.

4. I am committed to being a CTR person because if you always choose the right , good things are always going to happen. In life you are always going to have obstacles but if you choose the right you can over come anything.

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