Monday, January 11, 2016

Three Fundamental Techniques 

in Handling People

Technique 1Don't criticize, condemn or complain.

“If you want to gather honey, don’t 

kick over

the beehive.”

I think this first technique is really true all though that everyone does this at a point, but some people don’t need to criticize others by the way that they look ...if those people who criticize others don’t like it when people talk about them they should stop. Usually mostly everyone that I know complains about many things either the phone food, places they don’t like,etc…

Image result for Technique 2: Give honest and sincere appreciation "The big secret in dealing with peopleTechnique 2: Give honest and 



"The big secret in dealing with 


 I think what this technique is trying to say is that 

By being honest many people will respect you and will be honest with you too. I can assure you that many people would not like to be lied to every time. I believe that one should always be honest, because you would want others to do the same to you. Not only does honesty bring you truthful things in life like friends, but it can absolutely help you out in the future. When you give sincere appreciation people will automatically see you as a great loving person. By being sincere to others they will take you more seriously especially towards your feelings. This will not only show others how truthful you are, but it will also show others how loving and caring you are.For example, when I see others that truthfully need help I gladly help them and tell them what they can do and not do. By doing this I show the other person how caring I am. It also shows the person how I'm not selfish, and they actually count on me.In conclusion, one should always be honest and sincere because you  have a better chance in getting a friend just like that.

Image result for Technique 3: Arouse in the other person an eager want. "He who can do this has the whole world with him. He who cannot, walks a lonely way."

Technique 3: Arouse in the other

 person an

 eager want.

"He who can do this has the whole 


with him. He who cannot, walks a lonely way."

Reflection: I think that this technique is trying to tell 

us that  This means that you should always try to show others how determined and competitive you are. You should show others you actually try a lot for your work. By doing so one can see how eager  you are and many would start to admire you. It is always best for one to show others how what strong ethics you have, instead of showing others your weak spot. If you don't show others how eager you are and you show them your weak side, I can assure you that they'll take advantage of the weak spot.For example, when I'm in class I always try to arouse and be more outstanding than others; not in a negative way but simply to be good at something others are or many not. Out in the real world you mostly have to compete with others in order to get what you want. Once you start to think about it you see how much you have to arouse from others. Like universities, work positions, 

Final Reflection:

Write an overall final reflection in this post regarding the

 "The Three Fundamental Techniques in Handling People".

  Include your deepest thoughts and feelings. Write how you

will apply the Three Fundamental Techniques".

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