Friday, February 26, 2016

10 keys to personal power ~Brian Tracy

~The 10 keys to Personal Power~
Key 1: Clarity
"Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life. Have a sense of direction and know where your going. If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do."
Reflection: I think that this key statement is trying to tell us that you have to think big and have goals in order to accomplish something that you want in life. If you don't have that determination you are never going to do what you have always wanted to do. You always have to have a sense of direction or know where your going and what you want to do. if you have no idea what you want in life or what you want to do then you are not going to have a chance to do what you actually want. For example, if you want to go to a college/university and u know you want to do that then you are going to try to do your best and do what you have to do to get in. But if you just want to go but you don't know what you want to do then  you don't have your goals clear.
Key 2: Competence

"If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get."

Reflection: I think that this key statement is trying to tell us that if you commit to doing better in anything that you want for example, if you commit to doing better in school and not just getting fails in your class but you commit to start getting A's or anything better than a C that is making you a way better person committed to doing better and not just that but also you will be choosing the right all the way. #CTR.
Image result for ConcentrationKey 3: Concentration 
"Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself “Is this the best use of my time?” before you start anything."
 Reflection: I think that this key statement is trying to tell us that you have to make the best out of the spare time we have. even though you might only have a few minutes or hours, you can use that time in something useful or even you can change something you did wrong.
Image result for common sense

Key 4: Common Sense

  • Train your mind
  • think things through
  • listen to your intuition learn from setbacks
Reflection: I think that this statement is trying to tell us that we have to have common sence in order so succeed in life.I believe that common sense is something truly important that one should always have. When one  has common sense one is able to think through stuff before one does something. When one has common sense it shows how you are a person who listens to others thoroughly. When one has common sense one is able to understand and perceive things easily. People who do not have common sense actually do bad with most things they do. When someone does not have common sense one can already guess what kind of person he or she is. If they do not have common sense one can already believe that they are the kind of people who do not listen or even pay attention. In conclusion, when one has common sense many can rapidly tell they are good people who actually listen and pay attention.Common sense can show others rapidly how a person is,either he or she is smart or not.
Image result for creativity
Key 5: Creativity

"Except the fact that every human being is a genius.  The hallmark of creativity is asking questions.  The people who are most creative ask the most questions."
Reflection: I think that this ket statement is trying to tell us that by doing this one can discover new and great things. Creativity begins with questions;once one has the urge to ask questions one is able to discover new things and one is able to learn more about other things. Creativity is a key which only makes you as whole expand as well as knowledge. One should always try to be creative, due to the fact that it only makes you and your work better than others. Creativity is the key that opens new and great doors that will lead you to your future. Creativity is one of the best qualities one can have, because it makes you out stand around anybody. Creativity is one thing that makes you think for yourself as well as it helps you create you own path towards success. Creativity is one thing that can automatically make you independent , because your able to think of new and better things that others never imagined. In conclusion, creativity gives you new and better concepts that others never had which simply makes you ahead of everyone else.

Image result for consideration
Key 6: Consideration
"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator.  Take courses in listening, speaking, etc."
Consideration among things like people around you is something one should truly have in order to develop great listening skills and in order to create great friendship. This key makes you think about others rather than simply yourself. Once others realize how considerate you are you start to develop trust on others, that will benefit you later in the future. This key wont only make you feel better, but it'll also make others feel as if their opinions really matter. For example, in our IDP I have to be considerate enough to with others in my group in order that our project flows properly. This doesn't only benefit the project as a whole, but it benefits on others because they feel as if their opinion has value. This is important because it shows others how you take their ideas and opinions into consideration which means into thought. In conclusion, if one wants to accomplish grand things one should take into consideration others ideas in order to expand your ideas.

"If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you’ll be the best educated person in history."

Image result for ConsistencyKey 7: Concistency

"Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."
Be consistent in your relationship. your family, friends, your boss, your work. Be the person people can depend upon. That if you say you'll do something you do it..."
Consistency is something one should have due to the fact that it helps you be on track with whatever you may be doing. When you are a consistent you are able to accomplish your goals faster. Consistency can also show what type of person you are; many may rapidly say you are a very responsible and intelligent important. Consistency is actually very challenging, due to the fact that you have to be on top of your work without falling behind. One should challenge themselves to be a consistent person, because at the end of the day your consistency will make you on top of everyone by simply not procrastinating. By being consistent one is able to be ahead of others and that'll make others ask for help. This could be taken in a positive way, because it sows how basically your others role model. In conclusion, if you are a consistent person you'll not only be on top of your work, but you'll also reach your goals very fast.

Image result for Commitment

Key 8Commitment
"No success is possible without commitment.  The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success."
"Become totally absorbed in your work.  Be totally committed."
 Commitment is one quality one should always have. Commitment is dedication towards specific things. Commitment turns you into a person that's very responsible. Also it turns you into a person that never gives up, and once your given a task you don't rest until you've succeeded. For example, I have a very important presentation coming up called Interdisciplinary Project. In order for my project to run through fluently I have to be committed to it. I have to be committed to my work in order to have everything prepared for the actual day of the presentation. If on the other hand I am not a committed person towards my project at the last  minute I'll be probably be rushing everything. One has to be totally absorbed in their duties, due to the simple fact that that's what makes you succeed. In conclusion, if one has a goal one has to be fully committed to it in order to accomplish it.        

Image result for courage
Key 9: Courage

"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life."
Reflection: I think that this key statement is trying to tell us thst it is ok to fail but if you know that you are then its like if you have already failed your whole life.
Having courage is something very important everyone should have. In order to succeed in life one should be courageous in order to succeed. One needs to be courageous in order to try new things that will lead you to success. Being courageous basically means that we have sometimes do things we don't like. If you do not have courage you'll always be afraid to try new things; which will unfortunately effect your future negatively. If you fear in doing wrong in life, and never even bother to try you'll defiantly fail later on, due to the fact that you never even try to overcome that fear. If one never tries to accomplish something you'll never know either if you would of succeeded or not. In conclusion, one should never have the fear to fail, because failing is just a process leading to actual success.

Image result for confidenceKey 10: Confidence
"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again ."
Confidence to me is the major key to success. Confidence allows you to try  new things while keeping a positive attitude at all times. When one is confident one is capable of doing many things others would not bother to do. I personally believe that when one is confident nothing is ever a challenge, because you'll always think and know you'll do great. For example, I can admit I am not the most confident girl; compared to how others are. I am the kind of person that always has doubts in myself. This truly affects me, especially in school, due to the fact that every time I do something I doubt myself and my work. I even make myself believe I can not do it. So in conclusion, I will and I am trying to change myself for the better. I am trying to be a confident person, because I know that, that is a huge key I still need to accomplish in order to succeed in life.
Reflection: These 10 keys to personal power are all a way to be successful in life. 

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