Thursday, March 31, 2016

kahn Academy Internet 101

Kahn Academy Internet 101

Image result for internetIn this Kahn Academy internet 101 course i learned a few things that i did not know about. For example some things that i did not know about are that information are made out of bits and that bits are opposites as they are used in 1's and 0's which means binary codes. Also that 8 bits together make 1 byte. Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn were the ones that created the internetworking protocal (internet). The TPC and the rounter are scaleable. The more rounters we have the more reliable the internet is. SSL and TLS are a layer of security around you communication to protect them from snooping or being hacked by hackers. HTTP and DNS manage the sending and receiving of the web files. And that TPS and Rounters are the ones that break down and transport packets. 

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